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Welcome to the Educational Studies LibGuide!


Library Hours

Monday               8:00am – 11:00pm

Tuesday               8:00am – 11:00pm

Wednesday        8:00am – 11:00pm

Thursday             8:00am – 11:00pm

Friday                   8:00am – 5:00pm

Saturday              1:00pm – 5:00pm

Sunday                 3:00pm – 10:00pm

Finding eBooks

The first step in finding eBooks is to click on the Online Catalog Search prompt. Here you can find materials in the physical book, eBook, and journal article format.

For eBooks, type in your topic of choice. Results will show up in many formats, but to narrow it down to eBooks, go to the left of the screen and click on ‘Available Online.’ Among the results, the word ‘Book’ will appear above the book title, and ‘Available Online’ will appear below it. These titles are eBooks.

Research Appointment Request

Research Appointment Request

To request an appointment for various types of assistance, either for article, database, or book/eBook assistance, and one-on-one assistance or group project assistance, fill out the request form here.


Profile Photo
Brian Crawley
Benjamin F. Payton Learning Resources Center
Benedict College
1600 Harden Street
Columbia, SC 29204
803 705-4793

Ask A Librarian

Ask A Librarian

If you have any questions, fill out your name, status (undergraduate, graduate, faculty, staff, administration, alumnus or alumnae), email, and your question, and we will respond to your request during normal hours of operation.


PASCAL Delivers

If the Library does not have a book you desire, through PASCAL Delivers you may be able to acquire the book within 3 to 5 business days.

To make your request, go to the ‘Online Catalog Search’ and SIGN-IN using your Benedict College email and password.

Type the book title in the search box of the Online Catalog, press Enter and go to the right and select ‘PASCAL Delivers.’ Click on the magnifying glass symbol.

Choose a book title with the words ‘Check for Availability’ beneath. Click on the title.

On the next page, click on ‘Request via PASCAL Delivers.’

On the following page, at the bottom of the screen, click on ‘Send Request.’ The title will be automatically submitted, and you will receive a message in your BC email confirming the PASCAL Delivers request.  

When your book arrives, you will be contacted through your BC email account and/or by the phone number you provided.

If you need a book that is not accessible via the Online Catalog, or PASCAL Delivers, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan Services (ILL). The Interlibrary Loan form can be accessed from the Library’s webpage.